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Abstract Background

Complete FREE Godot Beginner Course


In this course you will learn how to use the FREE and OPEN SOURCE game engine Godot. The course was designed for a complete beginner in not only game development but also programming. Each section will be focused on a specific goal such as learning how to build your games main scene, adding player movement, creating animations etc. The source code will be provided to double check any work. By the end of the course you will have built a strong foundation of skills using Godot that you can then use to start building your very own games. The projects and skills learned by them are stated below: Space Shooter Game -Player movement -Node collisions -Creating new nodes in scenes -Counting scores - Understanding game states. Platform Game -Object Gravity -Animations -Level creation -Game win area - Multiple Enemy types Zombie Game -Top-down movement -Enemy waves -Difficulty increase -Particle systems -Local score saving On top of all that you will also be given two BONUS sections on how to export your game to both PC and an Android mobile device to show off to family and friends.


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